
The Missouri University of Science and Technology chapter of AAUP has been reinvigorated in the final days of 2023, with several new officers and members. We anticipate productive activity for 2024, starting with an invitation for participation campus-wide. We hereby renew our focus on specific areas: ensuring that S&T adheres to a high standard of faculty governance; monitoring administrative decisions; advocating for all faculty regardless of rank; and supporting the entire learning community. We will pursue these objectives in alliance with academic community members and also with organized bodies such as the faculty senate. We will use open forums such as the general faculty meeting to publicly discuss concerns with administrators. We will help the entire campus community better understand the affordances and limitations of key concepts including academic freedom and shared governance, and the importance of these assurances for a public land-grant institution of higher education.

As a national organization, AAUP focuses attention in key areas: “Advancing academic freedom and shared governance; defining professional values and standards; promoting the economic security of those who teach and research in higher education; organizing to make our goals a reality; and ensuring higher education’s contribution to the common good.” The Missouri S&T chapter will celebrate the university’s successes, and elevate attention to issues that undermine our achievement, in all these key areas.


Ali Hurson, President

Warner Meeks, Vice President

Beth Kania-Gosche, Secretary

Daniel Fischer, Treasurer